I will spare you the boring ins and outs of my summer vacation. For the most part the most interesting parts were chronicled previously. I will tell you though that this summer was chalk full of some serious life lessons, both in life and relationships, details are unnecessary, just know that I will be a better person because of it.... so cliche. I know. But I have made my mistakes and lesson learned. I will not make those ones again... At least I don't plan on it.
Anyway I am now officially a California State University, Chico student. Today is my second day of classes, and the immediate reaction is... HOLY CRAP... they say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and I can tell you from what I am already experiencing that this semester will make a much stronger person out of me. These classes may just be the death of me. or at least the frazzled stressed mess of me.
I know I will survive, but I'm used to the Junior college style, the first week is for getting to know each other. for getting used to the teacher, to the class. Instead, I am being thrown into the circus full bodied. I was not prepared for this.
I have to run to class. Silly me for not paying better attention to the time. I'll post again later.