Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Polyvore, Pinterest and Procrastination

This edition is all about my three favorite P's. 

Polyvore, Pinterest and  Procrastination.
(the first two are excellent ways to accomplish the third.)

If you haven't heard, there is a wonderful new way to waste your time and make collections of stuff you love. It is called Pinterest. The best new little time-waster on the internet. Polyvore, like Pinterest is an excellent time waster, only on Polyvore, you make collections of clothes, housewares, architecture and such and can then post them to Pinterest.

I am a self professed Pinterest addict! I can't get enough of pinning fabulous things, ideas and recipes to my many pinboards. Pinterest is not only a fabulous place to create fabulous collections, but it is a fabulous waste of time. While on pinterest I can collect hoards and hoards of wonderful things to create while also collecting wonderful recipes I would love to create, but without ever creating anything, or making progress on any projects. If my closet, or my craft room were anything like they are on pinterest I would be a very happy girl.

That brings me to the next P. Polyvore.  I stumbled upon Polyvore while pinning on Pinterest. (See, my three favorite P's are all connected in a gigantic web of fabulously wasted time.) Polyvore is magnificent. I can create outfits, and collections of outfits, or things I would want to wear and pretend that my closet is vast and expansive when in reality it is not. I love Polyvore.

Finally Procrastination. This has always been a favored pastime. I have spent many hours in the pursuit of procrastination perfection, and I will admit that I am an expert in the subtle art that is procrastination. It takes time to master the craft of procrastination. It also takes time to master the craft of catching up and accomplishing the task you were using procrastination to avoid. I have never let a task fail because of my procrastination, but instead I get the task done, while also finding wonderful new ways of wasting time.

As we speak I am procrastinating. I'll bet you thought I actually sat down to write this post. That my friends, would be wrong. I sat down because I have homework to write, things to read, and online classes to pay attention to, but after having spent a few hours already today on both Pinterest and Polyvore, and now writing not one, but TWO blog entries, I have successfully wasted much of this wonderful wednesday on procrastination.

Are you listening?

IS anybody out there listening?

I often sit down to write a blog and begin rambling about one more unimportant thing that is happening in my life. One more inconsequential occurrence. And while I write, I often wonder if there is anyone out there listening. Is anyone listening to what I have to say? Does anyone read this? Do my words make sense, or matter in the scheme of things? The truth is that it doesn't really matter if my words matter. This blog began as a therapeutic outlet for my feelings. Thoughts and feelings I keep to myself and don't usually allow people to read. I know that sometimes this blog is rant-y and rave-y and pages and pages of complaints, but I have no one else to complain to. No one else who takes my complaints as more than just blowing steam.

Recently my only reader left the blog world because she felt it was the best thing to do for her career. At least, I assume she was my only reader. She was the only one who ever left me any feedback. The only one who ever read these things.

This might sound silly. If I write this blog as a release outlet, then why would I care is anyone read it. It's simple, I care because whats the point of a blog if I don't have readers. I write because it is therapeutic, but I also write because I want to interest people, I want to be the writer people want to hear from, to be the writer people come to for entertainment, the writer people care to hear from. I fear that the path I have chosen for writing is not any of those things, but instead puts people off because of the whiney nature of the posts I have created. If anyone is reading this, please don't hesitate to let me know. As it is, a journal would serve the same purpose. A journal would be more personal, but I have been thinking it might be a possible solution


Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ummm... When did it become so expensive?

I have recently come to a realization: Growing up is EXPENSIVE.
And as my bank account total dwindles and grows rapidly closer to the ZERO balance that I have become accustomed to seeing, I continue to freak out a little bit each time. 

Lets start with the good news: I'm graduating in May! wow, May!! that is so soon. (brief moment of silence, and realization.)

This has been a long road. I didn't know how I would fell when I got so close, and honestly I didn't ever really think about it, because Graduation was so far in the future. Always. But here it is. Only months away and I can feel it. I'm excited?!?! It's freaking me out. Not to mention Bankrupting me. Graduating is super expensive. I can't wait for the moment when I am able to look back and say, yep! that was all worth it, cause right now it feels like they are just taking my money without any regard for what I would rather do with that cash.

Did you know that in order to be a teacher in California, you first must spend a TON of money on testing and application fees and fingerprinting, and other things to prepare yourself to apply to the credential program? No? yeah, I didn't really know that either. I mean I guess I kind of knew it, but wow. It's costing me so much darn money.

Let's start with tuition. The cost of which for my college career is somewhere upwards of $25,000 (and yeah. I will owe some of that back in the form of students loans. Soon.) 

Next is the cost of Grad School. I think that is around $10,000. (did you just see how my total just caught up to the mortgage value of a house?!?!? Seriously. I could be a home owner for the cost of my education so far.)

I have had to pay for some tests that are required to teach in California, that's $96 X 4 =$384 (for tests?!?!?)

If we add all of this together, we get a staggering amount of money that could buy me a cool new car. or at least a happy chunk of a mortgage on a new house...
Tuition(for undergrad and grad school) $35,000.00
CBEST AND CSETS (@$96 each) $384.00
Grad School Application Fee $55.00
Credential Program Application Fee $50.00
LIVE SCAN(Fingerprinting) $71.00
Live Scan Processing Fee $28.50

So let's see what we're up to... $35, 588.50
I think I just died a little bit. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Channeling My Inner Thug!

Okay kiddies, I am about to blow your minds. If you weren't already sitting down, I suggest you find a seat quickly and prepare yourselves... It's going to be LEGEND... wait for it... DARY. (lol)

Sometimes I go a little crazy and channel my inner thug. I become a gangsta with street cred. It's a problem I've dealt with for ages. I blame it on growing up in the bay area. I blame it on an interracial elementary school (none of this is a bad thing, but just a little out of character for me.)

Seriously, I have issues with the thug in me. She just doesn't like taking a back seat sometimes. She likes Tupac (I mean, come on, WHO DOESN'T?) and Eminem and randomly bursts out singing bars of California Love.

Anyway, I am taking a painting class this semester (I want to be awesome at painting but so far, I'm just not. It's not easy for me to accept mediocrity so until I am awesome at painting, you'll just have to know that I am taking the class and be content with no more information.) Anyway, I am taking a painting class and there is this guy who sits at the end of my table. He is one of those annoying kids you just want to throw things at. The kids who's face you'd like to color on with indelible ink... You know the kind. He says things like "FO SHO" (it's ridiculous how often he says fo sho, I heard him say it three times in a row once. Is that even legal?) He says "It's Whatever" (like we needed his permission?) I keep waiting for him to bust out an "Oh Snap!" (I think I might leap across the table tiger style and scratch his eyes out if he did...) Anyway, He is currently in the process of starting a clothing company and every other sentence is plugging his t-shirt line. Seriously. Just when I thought he couldn't get anymore annoying. Okay so we had class on thursday, and he was in full swing inviting girls to his "rave" and being all "Fo Sho" and "whatever" and he started talking about how he was the OG. (one of the girls at the table asked what that meant. I nearly died. and his explanation of original gangsta was even more awful than her not knowing what it meant, but I digress) I should mention here that sometimes I am so much cooler in my head than I probably actually ever am. So while mister cool was explaining original gangsta, and being all cool, I was imaging my inner thug. Cause everyone knows that I am so much more thug than he is.

I wanted to get up and walk coolly over to his end of the table. Rap a couple of bars of some classic Tupac songs, and end by throwing my arms at him and saying loudly "UH! You've been schooled, Son!"

Not only would this appease the inner thug, but it totally goes along with my future profession of teacher, right!?! So in lieu of flinging paint in his direction, and in lieu of drawing phallic images on his face in indelible ink, i just imagine my inner thug challenging his right to be the ORIGINAL GANGSTA. And for a moment, I am at peace. Until he opens his mouth again.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Well Hello again!

Okay, Okay, Okay, I know it's been awhile. I can't believe I let so much time pass between entries. like seriously it's been like SIX MONTHS. But on the same note those few months handed me so much to deal with that sitting down at the computer was a challenge, unless I was writing a paper on the theory of Beethoven and Stravinsky for the music class from hell, or about Wuthering Heights or the portrayal of poverty and the poor in A Christmas Carol for Victorian Lit (honestly, my least favorite english class ever! I could complain, but I probably should have done so while it was happening. oh well.)

I am currently on break from school (hallelujah!) and trying to get my house and my life back in order. With christmas came decorations, and I don't know if you know, but I tend to go over board on my decorating for Christmas. My little house could pass as Santa's home in the north pole, (If I had more snow outside) as a result, I am currently undoing all the Christmas and transitioning into Valentines Day. I love christmas. I am crazy about decorating, baking and giving. I love everything about christmas, but I also love Valentines day. Not because I like the commercial nature of the holiday, or the fact that it stands as a reason to spend money on things we don't need for our loved ones, but because Valentines day incorporates 3 (or 4) of my very favorite things ever, pink and red things, hearts, and roses. My house is currently being taken over by all things pink and girly. (photo diary to follow)

Also, I have been crafting. Because I didn't have many decorations for valentines day, I got out my scissors and paper and made some. (photo diary to follow) I have been cutting and glittering and trying my hand at some wonderful things I found on Pinterest (my favorite new place to kill some time) This includes baked marbles, heart garlands, wall art and some other fantastically wonderful crafty endeavors. I will go take pictures and show you all of my wonderful things soon. I promise.

Finally, with the new year comes my attempt at a new me. It is a cycle I always fall into, this time though I have more motivation (My friend is getting married and asked me to be in the wedding!), and hopefully more staying power. I am trying a new healthy eating plan which includes more fruits and veggies, more whole grain and lean meats, and less sugar, less soda, less fat. I have also made a pact with myself, No more mindless munching, or eating when I'm not hungry. This is a serious issue, sometimes when I would get bored, or whatever, I would head for the kitchen. My new idea is to head for my craft room, or for some part of my house I have been neglecting instead of to the kitchen. I cleaned out my cabinets, organized my craft boxes and made some wonderful little trinkets. It is a much healthier way to spend the day, and my cabinets and hips will thank me.

I look forward to the rest of the new year. To whatever 2012 has to offer. I look forward to graduation (YAY!), and to a healthier me. And, you my darlings can look forward to more blog entries, to some bitching and whining and some triumphs, and in the very near future, to a photo diary of how I have kept busy! Here's to a wonderful new year! Cheers!