Saturday, January 15, 2011

Goodbye Toby!

Toby went home today, to a little girl who missed him.

The things he brought home with him went directly into the garage. He went right on the leash. It took all of five seconds for him to be home and back to the routine he had grown out of during his brief stay at our house.

I don't regret sending him home. I will not have to clean up dog poop. I will not have to wake up and step in it. I will not have to scrub the spots of dog pee out of the carpet and I can finally make my house smell like a house again, and not just reek of dog pee. (I have nearly bankrupted myself on air-fresheners and carpet cleaners in the brief time Toby was visiting.) I look forward to scrubbing the carpet one final time, and having it stay that way longer than an hour (at least until I feel like scrubbing it again.)

I really feel sorry for Toby. His owner seemed happy to see him, but less than enthusiastic to actually have him home. I think she liked the idea of having a dog and is not old enough or mature enough for the actual responsibility of a dog. As the day wears off, and the evening grows colder, I worry for Toby who is now sleeping on his own in his big-dog igloo in the garage.

So as I prepare for bed (finally I won't have to worry about squishing the little dog sleeping behind me), I feel a slight pang for Toby who is most likely spending the night in the cold garage.

But I really am excited to not have to clean up dog mess. And I am really excited for the quiet. So, Goodnight Toby. Sleep Well.

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