Let me start with a disclaimer... Maggie is a rescue dog, who for the first six months or more of her life lived on the streets of Fresno, California. She has every right to be terrified, but I simply do not like it. I consider myself a dog person. I have always had a dog. I have always been attracted to dogs, and they always always, even the skittish ones, come up and say hello. I think in my past life I may have been a dog. So the fact that maggie is terrified is a little unnerving. I informed her that she will have to come around or she is in for a terrible couple of weeks. I think that eventually my doggie charm will win her over, but in the mean time she runs when I get near, she won't take food from my hand, even I should mention a pork chop. I had to lay it on the ground and leave the room. She ate it and enjoyed it, but not while I was there. Right now she is in the kitchen eating the canned dog food I put out. I can hear her. she doesn't know it....
She peaks around the corner at me, but if I move she freaks out and does a cartoon type run where her feet are moving but her body is not, you know the kind, when the character takes off he is speeding. I hope we will come to an understanding. I hope in the end I will win out. I hope.
Otherwise, I am thoroughly enjoying the quiet. I don't get much quiet at home. I am also in full control of the remote and the radio station. I've had NPR on all morning. Earlier I was watching SpongeBob. I've also already done a load of laundry. I'm feeling very happy, and very productive. I've also been contemplating dinner. My uncle likes to cook, so he has a very well stocked kitchen. I'm not sure where I'll start, but I fully intend on utilizing all that I can. and perhaps enticing Maggie with some tasty morsels as well. This will be a good two weeks.
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