Wednesday, March 9, 2011

No, Please don't worry about me, And other stories.

White Daffodils through a window.
I am in a much better mood than the last time I had a chance to write here.

Unfortunately, I had to say good bye to Hannah, but I have come to the realization that the whole ordeal was a necessary evil, and I am trying to move on from there. Also, lots of tequila helped. Tequila always helps.

This is the week before spring break, which means midterms, term papers and frenzy. I have two huge midterms (took one yesterday, I did well on most of it, but other wise we'll see, and today is the health final, so not looking forward to that.) I turned in my term paper early today and feel pretty good about it. If there is one thing I can do well it is a five paragraph essay. I rock at essays (not to toot my own horn)

So I was listening to the radio (actually my sister was, but it filled the entire house with sounds this morning(well, EVERY morning.)) and the Dj mentioned that today was Ash Wednesday, which signifies the beginning of Lent.  Lent if you don't know is meant to make better people out of us, it is meant as a sacrificial experience to bring up closer to... whatever I am not a very religious person, but I found myself intrigued by the idea of lent. So this morning as I rode the bus to class I decided that I too will partake in the forty days sacrifice of Lent. I believe that during Lent you are meant to only give up one thing for the period, I however chose to give up a series of things they include:

1. Dairy Products (that means NO butter, cheese, yogurt, Ice Cream and the one I am honesty saddest about, Chocolate. I will really, really miss chocolate, but my butt will thank my for this one.)

2. Frivolous Spending (If you know me, you know that I hemorrhage money on little unimportant things that I could totally do without. My bank account will thank me for this one.)

3. Laziness. (While I am really busy all the time, I do tend to spend a lot of my time on being lazy. This is a terrible habit that I have picked up only very recently, in the end my house and my mood will thank me.)

I figure three is good. A trifecta of sacrifice. My plan is to post nearly every day, or at the very least every other day with updates on how well I am doing at sacrifice.  This will hopefully be a cleansing and very good for me time.

Also, (bear with me, this will be a very long post, but that is my fault for not being more regular.) I had tons of free time on my hands on Monday and I chose to take that free time to find Beauty in things around campus. (Yes Patty, I borrowed from your idea, but I liked it and love having an excuse to take pictures of nature.) And also, since Spring is on it's way and I love pictures of early spring, I have chosen to add some pretty pictures. I love when the trees and shrubs flower, I love summer when the Magnolia trees bloom. I love that the air smells like flowers in the early spring. I really love spring overall, and always find myself in a better mood, out of the funk of winter and ready for some serious rejuvenation.
The Tulip Tree.
The Tulip Tree has begun to drop its petals

I love the contrast between pavement and nature.
It's like the idea of Post and Pre industrialism.
The river on campus, it's been raining and snowing
a lot and the river is flowing very swiftly.
Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
- Robert Frost: The Road Not Taken (1915)
The Camellia bushes have begun to drop their petals.
I don't know what this yellow bush is, but I love the
bright ferocity of it's color and the contrast it provides
My plan is to continue a series of photos that illustrate the beauty of spring and just why this is my very favorite season. These are only a few photos, I promise to post more.

1 comment:

  1. Love this blog. :) Good ideas, keep them coming! I am much too lazy to really upload my pictures, so you just keep right along!

