This officially sucks. I am officially hating this semester, and especially my classes. In honesty, one class in particular. and let me just say, that this blog is supposed to be helping my anxiety level. I am suppose to feel better by letting my aggressions out in text
honestly, I feel like crying. I really, really feel like crying. In fact I may run to the bathroom and do so on the sly.
NEWS FLASH: TODAY IS TEST DAY. APPARENTLY THIS ALSO MEANS BINDER CHECK DAY. not only am I fairly certain, thanks to a freshly posted online pre-test that I am going to fail, but I left my binder at home. I thought to myself as I left it out of my backpack, why carry around a bunch of dead weight when I won't need any of it for class. wow. I feel like screaming, and then crying, and finally jumping up and down in rage, before finally falling into bed and sleeping for a week. I feel unprepared. Under informed, and completely annoyed at the structure of this damn class.
SO in the interest of my sanity, my emotions, and my stress level, I would like to propose a no homework this weekend rule. I would like to lounge around on saturday and re-read about Jamie *SWOON* (to steal straight from patty's comment). I would like to bake some banana bread. to play Karaoke on the wii to lighten the mood. To watch a funny movie, and maybe a love story. I would like to read more about Jamie (this really could help my mood). I would also like to spend the weekend bonding with the girls.
However, as wonderful as that could be, I am well aware of how entirely unrealistic this is. Instead I have a shit-ton of homework. Including creating a lesson for first graders, reading a boring book for english, more science homework (which at this point I feel even less motivated to do) a few chapters of psychology reading, and more that I can't come up with off the top of my head. and all of this fun homework will be precluded by cleaning the bathroom. Doing a marathon of laundry, and scrubbing the kitchen floor.
So blog people, while this is supposed to help my mood, the path my recent entry has taken is not helping. It is the opposite actually. I suppose I'll go sit in the corner with my ipod and try to make calm out of the fit I feel like I am about to spiral into. And imagine the perfect weekend that could be.