Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lost Eyelashes= One Terrible Day

Apparently if you are fifteen, the loss of your false eyelashes is a life or death, end of the world, Armageddon type event.

I leave the house at 6:45 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Just before I leave I wake up Jessie the fifteen year old.

This morning as I was on the bus to campus, I got a call that not only had the sky fallen, but the world was crumbling around her because she couldn't find her false eyelashes. The loss of said eyelashes was of course MY FAULT.

I should expect this. I should not be wondering how this could be my fault when I know that things always end up being my fault for some reason or another. If I am cleaning and I move something it is my fault when she can't find it. If she loses her homework it is my fault because I didn't look through the trash before I threw it out. If the cat pees on something it is my fault for having a cat and the dog hair that covers our house like a carpet at times is also my fault for insisting that we have pets. So naturally, I should not have been surprised when the missing false eyelashes --that she wears to school every day-- became my fault. Her reasoning, I was the first one up.

Some background on this incident: Last night when she took them off she set them on the coffee table. I informed her that this was not where we keep eyelashes, and that she should move them before they go missing. (Foreshadowing? intuition? Nope, I just know teenagers.) She insisted she would. But as I was turning out the lamp for bedtime, I noticed they were still there. In my defense, I did not move myself them for fear of the teenage wrath that comes when I move her stuff. So instead they spent the night on the coffee table. This morning around seven she called me frantically (you will recall the sky is falling perviously mentioned.) HER EYELASHES WERE LOST. In a mom inspired moment, I said that perhaps she should learn to put her things away, if she had they would not have gotten lost. She informed me that I should learn to not touch the things she doesn't put away. And I am now responsible for buying her a new pair and that she is now pissed and her day has been ruined. (Drama Queen Much?)

I apparently also need to learn to be more careful in the morning when I am getting dressed because obviously this includes the coffee table. (I would be willing to make a bet that as soon as I get home tonight I will find them, because whenever said teenager is sent to look for something she becomes blind and incapable. She can't find anything, mainly because she doesn't really look.)

I am of the opinion that the loss of false eyelashes is not the end all be all of the day. This does not a tragedy make. When I informed her of this i got hysterics on the other end of the phone line. Apparently I don't understand that for a teenager nowadays, it does in fact create a terrible day if one loses her false eyelashes. I simply don't get it.

Am I alone in thinking this a non-issue?  I think that there are so many other things that can ruin your day. The loss of eyelashes because you chose not to put them away is not one of them. I can only hope that a lesson has been learned. Ahhh! The beauty of perspective.

1 comment:

  1. That spoiled little child. >:(
    You should refuse to buy her new ones and when she asks about you buying new ones, tell her that she owes YOU a lot of things considering the fact that you cook, clean, and generally take care of her without pay or recognition, and you're just letting the eyelashes pay for that dinner you made her last night.
    I'm sorry. I hope you stood up for yourself when you got home.
