Thursday, October 21, 2010

It's Thursday!

I began my day by drinking black tea and listening to Tupac. I have decided, this is my new favorite way to start my day! My morning class was canceled, so I had time this morning for a little bit of desperately needed leisure time. It was bliss.

well, It was bliss until my sisters woke up and decided today was a wonderful day to fight with each other (for them most any day is a good day to fight.) my bliss was quickly replaced with the need to play sister cop. This, for those who don't know, is where I try to make my sisters get along (waaaay easier said than done).

Tea and Tupac are a wonderful start to my morning. I fully plan on implementing it more often.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I'm really not an unhappy person

I realize that if you read my blog, you might get the impression that I am an unhappy person. This is not true. I am actually a pretty happy person. Or at least, I try to be.

It seems like the times I find to write on the blog, I only have complaints. That is my fault, I don't write enough when I am actually having a good day, or when I may have a clever and optimistic comment. Instead, I am always complaining. For this, I apologize. I really do hope to make a better showing at this blog thing.

I really want to be that blogger who has clever entries that entice the reader to want to read more. I really don't want to be the blogger that complains, and complains and scares readers off with how terrible life is. (it seems like this year has been one tragedy after another).

I want the entire blogosphere to understand that I am a happy, bubbly person. I don't want to be this unhappy, depressive, whiny person I have been in this blog. Guess I have to do something about that for myself... This blog is so unreflective of whom I am. I hope that you can tell, and I hope that you'll stick around and see how interesting and creative I can be with my blog posts. (*note to self- make the next blog a creative, interesting, engaging... don't whine!)

A Doppleganger

There is a person in my psychology class who reminds me of someone I'd rather not be reminded of on a daily basis. someone I worked on forgetting. I'm not sure how to make it better, but everything he says grates on my skin like a cheese grater against a block of gouda. and he has a lot, maybe too much to say. I just want to scream at him, stop talking. Go sit in the back corner, and stop reminding me of he who I don't want to be reminded of.

I am not a block of gouda, and he is not a cheese grater, but I can't help but feel this way. Really. He could be the brother of he who I don't want to be reminded of.

I'm really not sure how to make this class better, it becomes increasingly difficult to go to class; so I guess my next step is trying to live in the same world and HE and his doppleganger.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

A new outlook on life... Optimism

While my mood on thursday and the end of the week as a whole can be described as bleek, at best, I find that my outlook for the weekend and hopefully all of next week is a little more optimistic. I would like to report that there was some event that made me happier, I would like to rejoice you with the exciting tale of the one little thing that made me happy. The one little thing that helped me overcome the impending doom and sadness that is my life at the moment, unfortunately there is no such thing. It's just me. I really don't want to walk through life disappointed, or unhappy, so I try to look at the brighter side of things. When there is no brighter side on the horizon, and things in the future just look worse and worse, I have a hard time being a glass half full kind of girl.

And so far this year, fate has thrown me one curve ball after another. One more thing to deal with. And I feel like standing outside and screaming at the top of my lungs, ENOUGH CURVE BALLS! I don't want to have anymore placed on my shoulders. I can't handle anymore. So I try to envision a future that is free of these stressors. Or mostly free at least. I imagine my own home perfectly decorated to my tastes and specifications, where when I put something down and come back to it a week later, it is still there (what a concept!), I imagine a world where i am surrounded by friends, and family and happiness, where I have finally found my niche. (for some reason finding my niche has been the most challenging part of life for me. I keep asking what I am meant for (because I truly believe everything has a purpose) and so far nothing). (most of the time, in this dream world buck is still there and that hurts a little).

I also envision no longer being a student, and this is more abstract for me, as I can't remember a time when I WASN'T a student. I try to imagine myself as teacher. I imagine my classroom full of young minds to inspire. This is really inspiring to me, it helps me keep going sometimes. As I am filling this post with the hopes and dreams that are in my head, that keep me going, I have to wonder if I am the only one who copes with shit, by imagining good? I try not to go back and remember good times, because it seems pointless to live in the past, but creating a hypothetical future, is that as pointless? Do I really care if it is pointless if it helps me get through?

I don't have answers, and the more I think about it, the more questions I have, so it's probably best to just leave it alone. In the mean time, when I feel down and out, or like there is just one more thing being piled on my heap of shit, I will try to be optimistic. I will think "Hey, it could be worse" and I think that is supposed to help. Because it could be worse. It could be way worse. And I suppose that if having something to look forward to is my little way to escape, that's not so bad. At least I'm not turning to something that could be bad for my health. or worse yet, illegal.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Can this be considered cruelty?

I'm fairly certain that I blogged before about the lack of enthusiasm and interest I am having in this semester. Can I just say that the events of today are not helping my enthusiasm in this semester.

This is really not fair. Really.

That about sums up my mood for today. And I even woke up with an optimistic feeling in my heart. I really wanted to be optimistic about today. And I just can't. I can't be optimistic, I can't be happy when I have a sinking feeling of impending doom. A sinking feeling of dread, and misery and all that I really want to do is forget there is a test in the next class. I really just want to go home and face this crappy weekend head on. Face the rest of my crappy day head on. But there is nothing I can do to change what is coming, so I will try to face the rest of my day with a smile on my face and a little bit of optimism.

Any words of wisdom, or words of encouragement anyone wants to throw my way would be greatly appreciated. Cause right now, I got nothin'.

WOW (really there is nothing else I can think of to say...)

This officially sucks. I am officially hating this semester, and especially my classes. In honesty, one class in particular. and let me just say, that this blog is supposed to be helping my anxiety level. I am suppose to feel better by letting my aggressions out in text

honestly, I feel like crying. I really, really feel like crying. In fact I may run to the bathroom and do so on the sly.

NEWS FLASH: TODAY IS TEST DAY. APPARENTLY THIS ALSO MEANS BINDER CHECK DAY. not only am I fairly certain, thanks to a freshly posted online pre-test that I am going to fail, but I left my binder at home. I thought to myself as I left it out of my backpack, why carry around a bunch of dead weight when I won't need any of it for class. wow. I feel like screaming, and then crying, and finally jumping up and down in rage, before finally falling into bed and sleeping for a week. I feel unprepared. Under informed, and completely annoyed at the structure of this damn class.

SO in the interest of my sanity, my emotions, and my stress level, I would like to propose a no homework this weekend rule. I would like to lounge around on saturday and re-read about Jamie *SWOON* (to steal straight from patty's comment). I would like to bake some banana bread. to play Karaoke on the wii to lighten the mood. To watch a funny movie, and maybe a love story. I would like to read more about Jamie (this really could help my mood). I would also like to spend the weekend bonding with the girls.

However, as wonderful as that could be, I am well aware of how entirely unrealistic this is. Instead I have a shit-ton of homework. Including creating a lesson for first graders, reading a boring book for english, more science homework (which at this point I feel even less motivated to do) a few chapters of psychology reading, and more that I can't come up with off the top of my head. and all of this fun homework will be precluded by cleaning the bathroom. Doing a marathon of laundry, and scrubbing the kitchen floor.

So blog people, while this is supposed to help my mood, the path my recent entry has taken is not helping. It is the opposite actually. I suppose I'll go sit in the corner with my ipod and try to make calm out of the fit I feel like I am about to spiral into. And imagine the perfect weekend that could be.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Welcome Back.

His eyes are piercing blue, his hair is thick and red. He is tall, muscular, lean. He speaks in a thick scottish accent. He is wildly romantic, and wildly protective. He will do anything to protect his family. His wife. He is wonderful with horses, great with children. He stands by his principles, and all he asks in return is love and honesty. He is handsome, and principled. He is also a warrior. He is always getting hurt, and making trouble, but it makes for one seriously adventurous life.

He is maybe the greatest character in the history of the written word (debatable? maybe, but i am a fan, so at the moment I can't help but feel this way.)

HE is Jamie. The lead male in the outlander book series. and I am in love.

I recently had to pick up a book for my english class from amazon, and thought while I was at it, that I might as well pick up the new graphic novel based on the outlander series. It took awhile to get to me, but now that I have it, I remember why I fell in love with this character, this series in the first place.

Jamie, I missed you. It's been awhile since I finished book 7. It'll be awhile more until book eight is even out. (if ever, it's still a mystery) all that I know is that I missed you and I am so glad that you have re-entered my life. I hope you stay awhile. You have a way of making even the crappiest days, the crappiest semesters seem better. I'm thinking it's time to revisit book one. That way I know you'll be around for a very long time. (at least seven books worth.)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mmmmmm Peanuts.

I found these peanuts at Safeway. I thought they may be a good snack, so I bought them. I was a little apprehensive, sometimes peanuts are wonderful, sometimes they are not. The moral of this story is that I have fallen in love with these peanuts. I am in love with these peanuts. They are the perfect blend of salty, and peanut flavor. The drawback here, is that I could sit here and eat about a million of them at a sitting. I'm sure that is not a good thing. So the first time I bought them I bought a small little container, and when I went back I found that the larger container was actually cheaper. SCORE. And while this is fantastic for my pocketbook, it's not so much for my waistline. But oh well, I have new peanuts and I love them.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I am Terrible at this...

I just noticed that I only made one post last month. That is terrible. Bad, Bad Karin. And so far this month, my record is not much better. (I think that two in one day only counts as one...). So here is my promise, I PROMISE to be better at this. I PROMISE to post more often. I really do have things to say. I am full of thoughts. So, why oh why do I neglect the one platform I have to post these thoughts? So this week I PROMISE to post at least once more, ideally twice more. I am making a new goal for myself, Post at least once a week in this blog... It really will be beneficial. Now let's just hope that I keep my promise. (I'm usually really great at keeping promises...)

a brief hello

I caught a moment in between classes today, and realized that I have been a terribly neglectful blogger. So, laptop in hand, I sat down to say a brief hello to the blog world (and to my most loyal reader, possibly my only reader, Patty. hello Patty). Now, I am have an inner dialogue with myself, trying to decide what exactly I have to say that won't take up massive amounts of both text and time. so far the predominant theme is how tired I am. That seems to be the one thing that is always predominant. at least recently. I would like to mention how excited I am. Today i decided to ditch my current area of concentration, and pick up a minor in creative writing. (before you get too excited, I meet with the counselor on thursday, hopefully to make this official.) This means that I am adding 26 units to my course load, and while a sane person may think I'm nuts I defend this choice this way:
I have been in college for a while, and what is a few more classes if they make me happy?
I have previously been an english major twice in my college career, and I traded it all in for a teaching program. I miss my english classes.
I would much prefer to minor in creative writing and spend my time doing something I love as opposed to something I hate.
And finally, I love creative writing.
I am so excited to make this change official. And while I am tired, and in serious need of a long nap, I think of the classes I will have in the future as a part of my new minor, and I get excited all over again. And shouldn't I get to be excited about something? I think so...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hello Boys and Girls...

Hello Boys and Girls, Its been awhile.

I will spare you the boring ins and outs of my summer vacation. For the most part the most interesting parts were chronicled previously. I will tell you though that this summer was chalk full of some serious life lessons, both in life and relationships, details are unnecessary, just know that I will be a better person because of it.... so cliche. I know. But I have made my mistakes and lesson learned. I will not make those ones again... At least I don't plan on it.

Anyway I am now officially a California State University, Chico student. Today is my second day of classes, and the immediate reaction is... HOLY CRAP... they say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and I can tell you from what I am already experiencing that this semester will make a much stronger person out of me. These classes may just be the death of me. or at least the frazzled stressed mess of me.

I know I will survive, but I'm used to the Junior college style, the first week is for getting to know each other. for getting used to the teacher, to the class. Instead, I am being thrown into the circus full bodied. I was not prepared for this.

I have to run to class. Silly me for not paying better attention to the time. I'll post again later.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


I meant to do this sooner, and I thought I would put it off since I already posted once today, But if I put it off I will most likely forget to come back to it, and that is the reason we are here now, so think of this as a treat... Two posts in one day. Lucky You!

I've complained in the past about school, and about the nameless putz teacher I can't stand and I thought an update was perfectly necessary. Grades are in for the semester... Drum Roll please...

Well, actually let me back up and start with an introduction to the courses... Sorry to hold you in suspense, But it's better that way, don't you think?

This semester was my last at butte, so I took only the last two required courses, and one extra for fun. History 14, World Civilizations II and Education 2, were required. English 15, Cultural Films and Lit was for fun. The history and English classes are straightforward enough that I hope you understand at least partially what they entail... Education 2 is my preservice requirement, which means I spent a total of 45 hours in an elementary school classroom. and actually, I spent over a hundred hours in the classroom, but 45 were required.

I'd imagine that you are wondering where putz teacher fits in here, I'm not sure if i mentioned this before... He was the history teacher, and the class was torture. Just to punctuate the point, I'm going to tell you a funny story...
I know that I told you that I was graduating, or at least I think I did, anyway, I graduated form Butte College with Two degrees, Liberal Studies and Social and Behavioral health. I know, YAY ME! (LOL). the ceremony was long, and arduous. I hated sitting there... but it served a purpose, so it was worth it, in all of its symbolic glory. There was a point when one student was at the podium, and I can't remember his title, anyway, he was announcing the teacher of the year as chosen by the graduating class (This graduate had never heard of this, I'm not sure which group you have to belong to to vote, but I certainly wasn't invited...) anyway the speaker guy, whoever he was, was announcing the nominees, blah blah, from the such and such department, so and so, from the other department, and (hang on to your seats boys and girls) PUTZ teacher from the History department. (Now, the speaker said his name, but I like putz teacher so much better.)... at this point, my jaw dropped, really, teacher of the year? no way that was possible. I must have been dreaming, I pinched myself, and it hurt, so, I guess it wasn't a dream. I looked around, and saw a mixture of expressions in the crowd of black polyester around me... some were excited by this (gullible idiots), others were shocked, like myself, and still others looked completely emotionless, I imagined that they were robots, who were about to self destruct from false information. Now the speaker is going on, about something, but I was thinking to myself, that there was no way putz teacher could win, while simultaneously hoping that the robots when they self destructed from false information, would do it somewhere far away, so as not to hurt too many people.
... And the Teacher of the Year is, PUTZ TEACHER (cheers, cheers...) WILL PUTZ TEACHER Please come up and accept his award? this is when the crickets started chirping, because in true putz teacher form, he wasn't there. Somehow, all of those people he has bewitched with his bullshit spewing voted, and were the majority. My first thought was, OF COURSE. Of Course he wouldn't be here....

So anyway, that was the funny story, I could go on, but I think that we should instead leave the rest to the imagination of the reader, instead lets take a moment to laugh, **Silent Pause**

Now that that is out of our systems, my grades for this semester are as follows,
English - A
History- C
You may look at the C and think I am upset by that, but considering the teacher was unnamed Putz teacher, I am ecstatic.

Adventures in House Sitting parts 3,4,5,6 and A whole bunch of other stuff

I have not been very good about posting. I have so many things to say and I should have been posting every single day but I haven't. First, Maggie and I are pals now. She sits with me on the sofa, she sits with me outside when I am reading a book, she really likes when I take her on walks. Which I was afraid of at first, because how can I walk a dog who won't listen, who is afraid of me? It worked out. Somehow, things always work out, don't they? our first walk was short. I wanted her to get used to me, and me to get used to her, but to not venture too far from home. It was also a success... and she really likes chicken, but broccoli, not so much.

I got a call yesterday, it was gram. she told me that the dog had gotten hit by a car and my dad was in the process of burying him. That was the third dog this year to die. I find myself wondering if there is a deeper hidden meaning involved in this... My dog died March 9. He had a stroke. My grandma's dog died April 1 of cancer. and now my sisters dog got hit by a car. I'm thinking this is a run of bad luck, and hoping that nothing more happens. We now have one dog left. Her name is Hannah, and she is like the energizer bunny. She keeps going and going, the never ending dog. She is epileptic, and has various other problems and yet she manages somehow to stay alive. The others were all seemingly healthy all their lives. It amazes me sometimes. This is kind of overwhelming me. I miss my dog, and Dozer dying is opening old wounds, that had not healed completely. How's that for a mood lifter?

Lastly this time, because I don't want to fill this with everything that is running through my head, but instead leave some for later, lastly I met someone. I'm not sure what else to say as the feeling is so new. I can't get him out of my head, and I don't seem to want to. I'm amazed by him. I'm captivated by him, smitten with him, and all around enjoy talking to him. I really don't know what else to say...

This post is full of information, a blend of good and bad. I'm not sure what you'll do with it, as I'm not entirely sure what to do myself...

Friday, June 11, 2010

My Adventures In House Sitting. Part Two

Maggie the dog likes me. She actually likes me. This morning when I let her out, she actually stood next to me while I opened the door, in lieu of hiding in the bedroom until the house sitting monster moved out of the way so she could run by in a cloud of dust and panic.

She also took food from me. Well not actually from me, she still won't take it out of my hand, but she took it when I set it down on the ground, also in lieu of the panicky-runny stuff she was doing. I think we are making progress. Perhaps a dog walk will be very possible in the immediate future. another day or so and we'll be swapping war stories over a pint of Haagen dazs. Strawberry of course. Or perhaps pomegranate?

Todays agenda entails a farmers market if I can find one, a relaxing trip to the beach, and dinner at some point. The menu tonight is as of now undecided.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Adventures In House Sitting.

Today my uncle David and his girlfriend Laurie left for a two week vacation in Germany. I have been charged with house sitting, and caring for the dog Maggie, who I might add is terrified of me. this is a new thing. Dogs are never, ever terrified of me.

Let me start with a disclaimer... Maggie is a rescue dog, who for the first six months or more of her life lived on the streets of Fresno, California. She has every right to be terrified, but I simply do not like it. I consider myself a dog person. I have always had a dog. I have always been attracted to dogs, and they always always, even the skittish ones, come up and say hello. I think in my past life I may have been a dog. So the fact that maggie is terrified is a little unnerving. I informed her that she will have to come around or she is in for a terrible couple of weeks. I think that eventually my doggie charm will win her over, but in the mean time she runs when I get near, she won't take food from my hand, even I should mention a pork chop. I had to lay it on the ground and leave the room. She ate it and enjoyed it, but not while I was there. Right now she is in the kitchen eating the canned dog food I put out. I can hear her. she doesn't know it....

She peaks around the corner at me, but if I move she freaks out and does a cartoon type run where her feet are moving but her body is not, you know the kind, when the character takes off he is speeding. I hope we will come to an understanding. I hope in the end I will win out. I hope.

Otherwise, I am thoroughly enjoying the quiet. I don't get much quiet at home. I am also in full control of the remote and the radio station. I've had NPR on all morning. Earlier I was watching SpongeBob. I've also already done a load of laundry. I'm feeling very happy, and very productive. I've also been contemplating dinner. My uncle likes to cook, so he has a very well stocked kitchen. I'm not sure where I'll start, but I fully intend on utilizing all that I can. and perhaps enticing Maggie with some tasty morsels as well. This will be a good two weeks.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Graduate.

The other night I had a dream about my beach house. I call it that because in the most simplest ways it is my beach house. It is the beach house I have dreamt about many nights since I was fifteen. It is the perfect place. The place where dreams and reality collide. The place where I am me, and everything around me is me too. My beach house centers me. The waves crash against the shore. The moon shines and creates glimmering ripples on the surface of the ocean, even when the night sky is cloudy. My dog is there. In my dream I was sitting on the veranda. In the rocking chair, softly rocking, buck was laying beside me, my hand was gently petting his head (I really miss that). We were just there. Just us. Just being. No trouble, no drama. Just peace.

I'm really not sure why I felt the need to open with that. I think it is my own little connection to peace in all the mayhem. I felt calm and connected and I long for that feeling in everyday life.

Anyway, this semester is ending this week. I am also graduating from Butte College this week. (that has been a seriously long time coming.) I am mostly excited, but not jumping out of my seat excited, I mean seriously, this is only Butte College, and only a step to more school and more future. but I am not complaining.

So you may be wondering, as I am also, how does this tie in with the beach house, and when I figure that out, I will let you know. For now you can bet that I would really like to be at the fictional beach house of my dreams. So let's pretend, right now that the waves are crashing. the moon is shining and my dog is lying next to me. And with a deep salty-sea air breath, I am at peace.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The End of the Semester Blues

I Hate this semester.
It feels like somewhere in February, someone pressed the Slow-Motion button.
I woke up today, excited because it was thursday. excited because this week was almost over and it was one week closer to finals. I showered and got dressed all the time thinking "YAY THURSDAY" and then I looked at the clock in the kitchen. the one that said it was fifty-eight degrees, seven o'clock in the morning on TUESDAY may 11. Yes that is what it said, Tuesday. for about 5 seconds i thought, well that must not be right. until i remembered that yesterday was Monday. so Yes today is tuesday.

Tuesday is probably my least favorite day of the week. well, and monday of course.
So right now I am waiting to go to the class I hate with unnamed putz teacher who NEVER shuts up about irrelevant nonsense. NO Mr. I don't care that you were once in a punk band that traveled Europe, I don't care that you drove the bus. I also don't care how well you play guitar, or how great at writing songs you are. I don't care that you knocked up your Fiancee and will soon be ruining the life of a child. I don't care about your political views, or your dislike for whatever you are in the mood for disliking. I also Really don't care that you went to college for most of your life and you think you are gods gift to us. I am here to learn World Civilizations. Not ALL ABOUT YOU!

So in the spirit of "Looking on the Bright-side" I am looking forward to June. To Summer, to this semester being over. but more immediately I am looking forward to 2:00, when I will no longer have to be in class today. When the day will be edging closer to tomorrow, which by the way is one day closer to thursday. and one day closer to the end of this crappy semester.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm Tired

This post probably comes under the heading, Whin-y, Complain-y stuff, but we all have our moments, so just shut-up and listen... (I'm kidding, about the shut-up part at least... The title should clue you into my current mood. You may find yourself asking, why Karin, Why are you tired? well, I will tell you, not only why, but what I am tired of.

I am tired. Tired of not getting enough sleep, (I really like sleep), Tired of having no money,(although at the moment I have more money than I have had in a very long time, but don't worry I am doing a great job of spending the crap out of it...), I am tired of listening to nameless, previously mentioned PUTZ teacher, and the droning that I have to listen to. I am physically and mentally just plain Tired. I am also tired of Being alone. Of not having someone to be tired with (:D), I am tired of being the *ONLY* eternally single almost twenty-five year old I know. I am tired of taking the DAMN bus and running my daily schedule around the bus schedule. I am tired of being the nicest, most giving person I know. I am also tired of not doing the things that I really want to do, and instead constantly doing the things I HATE, so much so that some people think I actually like doing them. I don't, I hate cleaning, It just always has to be done, but at a point I'd rather have a mess and a fun time than a clean house and no fun. I am tired of Judge Shows, of Talk Radio and of annoying Movies. I am tired of myself and who I have become. This is so not what I had planned when I was younger. I am tired of (most of) my family. I am just tired. and I bet that by now you are tired of hearing me tell you what I am tired of, but thank you for bearing with me. Most of the things I am tired of, I am also annoyed by, but I will resist the urge to elaborate... In the mean time, I may run outside and cry. or scream. I'm undecided.

Now that I have done that, even though I don't quite feel better yet, lets see what I am grateful for; I am grateful for Safeway Guy! I am grateful for my Grandma, for Patty, for the second grade class, who for three hours a day help me to be centered and calm. I am grateful for music, For hot showers, For BED. I am also grateful for hot tea, and for my iPod (even though the damn thing does not work well most of the time.)

I am grateful for Patty, who I know is the only one who will read this, and I apologize Patty, for being so rant-y.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A SERIOUS Case of Senoritis...

So, let me start by saying, don't under any circumstance get used to an every day post...

This is my last semester in community college and the senoritis bug has bitten. It bit before the semester began, but recently, I am finding it difficult to enjoy anything about the semester. Even the class I signed up for fun has lost its appeal. Today, the sun is shining, the skies are blue, the weather is wonderful, and I am not going to class. In the long run this is the best solution for me.

I have been a student for a very long time, and in previous semesters, I barely missed any class, and if I did, there was a serious and compelling reason, but this time, there needs to be no reason. no reason whatsoever. And there is a part of me that feels bad about this careless approach to school, but even more of me, that just simply doesn't care!

So today I will walk the dog, while listening to Lady Gaga. (great dog walking music!) later I will clean the bathroom, and probably the kitchen, the soundtrack for which is undecided, but will most likely include the beatles at somepoint. And maybe, just maybe I will finally get out into my garden and pull the necessary weeds, a task which I have not made time for as of yet. If you ask me this sounds a much more productive day than sitting in a classroom listening to unnamed putz teacher drone on and on about how cool he was when he was a student. Or whatever he drones about.

Patty, you are right! this is therapeutic!!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Hello Blogosphere...

Patty says I am interesting, and therefore worthy of entering the blogosphere.

It is not that I disagree, but what do I have to say that anyone will read? I’m not sure, and even titling this silly project has proven difficult. I have thought about writing one of these, and figured that with the push and the very kind compliment from patty, that I would entertain the new adventure. Here is to a new exciting (hopefully) chronicling of my boring (*sigh*) life.

AND I will certainly try my very best to make regular posts. I make no promises as to how regular however.

Since this is the first edition, I will not bore you with the whiny complain-y things I could, and probably eventually will post. Though they are numerous, and ever present in my mind. I will begin with and introduction to myself.

I am Karin, The eternal college student. When I am not in class I am living with my grandma, or volunteering in a second grade classroom (kids are cute!) I like to write, and this is probably the inspiration for my new blog. hopefully I am not as boring as I think I am. My biggest challenge so far has been choosing a title, so why not a variation on a John Lennon book? he is after all a Beatle and I Love the Beatles.

now, it is time for me to go catch the bus home, heaven forbid I am late. I promise to post again. Hopefully Tomorrow... In the mean time, does anyone really care what I have to say? I hope so. otherwise this is a complete waste of my time... :D