Wednesday, January 26, 2011

HEY! your ignorance is showing!

I have three posts in mind, and I've been writing and re-writing them in my head. Each time I do, they take a different turn, and they have sort of become these monstrous blog posts that are not worthy of being anywhere but in my head. They have been way too overworked. Someday I will pull them out, but for now, they'll stay locked away until they become the clever, well-written, witty posts I want them to be.

In the mean time, I am writing a post that really has no substance and three times now I have re-written this particular sentence. My goal this year includes not using this blog as simply a place for whining, as it has been in the past. I am certain that everyone has their own problems and no one wants to hear my ramblings on about how much I think I am going to hate this semester. (By the way, my schedule sucks this semester.)

So right now, I am sitting in the library, listening to the GrammarGirl podcast on connecting with your blog readers (it just seemed appropriate.) and writing this blog, which I fear has turned into another uninteresting rambling.

If I were really clever this is where I would insert a witty or cute little picture of me destroying my blog by whining too much. Or a picture of me rambling and someone staring into a computer pulling their hair out. And while I won't say I am not clever, I just don't have any drawings to introduce. My medium is words. Words. Okay, I'm going to break my earlier rule of not using the three posts I have been thinking long and hard about. I have a story to tell...

Let me start by saying that there are certain phrases, and uses of words that really bother me. I am fairly strict about using words properly, and am always correcting people. I suppose it can be considered annoying. So if you really do not want me to nag at you about your speech, you should probably fix it before you speak. It'll save us both a headache. And perhaps an argument.

Okay enough preamble. Recently I have become extremely sensitive to the word "SEEN." I hear it used inappropriately all the time, and it drives me crazy! I hear people say, I seen that new movie the other day. or Hey! did you seen that? My sister is famous for this, although in her case, I know she does it just to bug me because when I correct her, she begins using incorrect language en masse.

You did not seen that movie, in this case you saw a new movie.  And no I did not seen that, but I saw it, and in your question the proper use is, Hey! did you see that.

The other day, I overheard three random conversations using seen improperly. It's like when the teacher (accidentally) scrapes her fingernails on the chalkboard. I'll be the first to admit that I am not always correct all the time, nor do I have perfect speech and diction. There are certain uses of words however that in my opinion are wholly wrong. Seen makes the list, it might even be number one on the list.

I used to think it was a certain class of people that used seen improperly. Recently however I have heard it many times on campus, and by people I would think do not fall into that class of people. So please at least try to use your english correctly. Please try to think about what you are saying and if you are using the proper version or tense of a word.

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