Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hello Again... A few updates.

Well hello there. It's been awhile. The semester ended, which as always is a huge relief which offers me the chance to take a nice big deep breath. I am always in need of a break after the semester ends, but I am finally past the time when I am too tired and, frankly, lazy to do much. My house was in serious need of some TLC. My yard was in serious need of TLC (Seriously, there were weeds out there like shoulder height.) and My dog and my own well being were also in need of some TLC.

First off, I should mention that Daisy has finally become comfortable in her new home and no longer goes outside on a 25' lead. She and I have gotten into a routine and have become pretty close, although I could live without the scratching. :| Also, she loves when I do yard work because she doesn't really like to be outside on her own.

My yard is finally getting the attention it deserves and I have some veggies growing. Hopefully I will soon have some veggies to eat. My lilies finally opened, (this is one of the first weeks it hasn't been rainy and cold, and they are a little bit late, but they are opening and add a lovely splash of color.)

I have also gotten my house straightened, though not as well as I would like to have done and will continue to work on that. Housework has lost so much of the enjoyment it once had. I just don't want to do it anymore. Patty and I have been going to the gym EVERY morning and working on making ourselves look and feel better, and I must admit this was much needed, and while there are some mornings when I really don't want to get out of bed and get my butt to the gym, I am overall enjoying not only actually going, but having a companion who keeps me going, as well as the knowledge that someday all of this will pay off and I will be a much happier me. (I try to be happy with what I've got but being healthy will be a better situation all around.)

So here's a run down of my summer.
1. Gym every weekday morning with Patty, and sometimes Emily.
2. Planning a sweet sixteen.
3. Yard Clean-up.
4. House Clean-up.
5. Learn to use\ make Fondant.
6. Sew. (finish fishing vest.)

I think I will start a new blog on creating an awesome sweet sixteen, because I have so many ideas and so much to do and only less than a month to accomplish this. I know this will be perfect and beautiful and I just know I will have enough fodder for an interesting blog.

1 comment:

  1. You should be taking pictures of your garden and dog and such, since you have a camera! :)
