Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm Tired

This post probably comes under the heading, Whin-y, Complain-y stuff, but we all have our moments, so just shut-up and listen... (I'm kidding, about the shut-up part at least... The title should clue you into my current mood. You may find yourself asking, why Karin, Why are you tired? well, I will tell you, not only why, but what I am tired of.

I am tired. Tired of not getting enough sleep, (I really like sleep), Tired of having no money,(although at the moment I have more money than I have had in a very long time, but don't worry I am doing a great job of spending the crap out of it...), I am tired of listening to nameless, previously mentioned PUTZ teacher, and the droning that I have to listen to. I am physically and mentally just plain Tired. I am also tired of Being alone. Of not having someone to be tired with (:D), I am tired of being the *ONLY* eternally single almost twenty-five year old I know. I am tired of taking the DAMN bus and running my daily schedule around the bus schedule. I am tired of being the nicest, most giving person I know. I am also tired of not doing the things that I really want to do, and instead constantly doing the things I HATE, so much so that some people think I actually like doing them. I don't, I hate cleaning, It just always has to be done, but at a point I'd rather have a mess and a fun time than a clean house and no fun. I am tired of Judge Shows, of Talk Radio and of annoying Movies. I am tired of myself and who I have become. This is so not what I had planned when I was younger. I am tired of (most of) my family. I am just tired. and I bet that by now you are tired of hearing me tell you what I am tired of, but thank you for bearing with me. Most of the things I am tired of, I am also annoyed by, but I will resist the urge to elaborate... In the mean time, I may run outside and cry. or scream. I'm undecided.

Now that I have done that, even though I don't quite feel better yet, lets see what I am grateful for; I am grateful for Safeway Guy! I am grateful for my Grandma, for Patty, for the second grade class, who for three hours a day help me to be centered and calm. I am grateful for music, For hot showers, For BED. I am also grateful for hot tea, and for my iPod (even though the damn thing does not work well most of the time.)

I am grateful for Patty, who I know is the only one who will read this, and I apologize Patty, for being so rant-y.

1 comment:

  1. Aw. I am grateful for you too. You're the best friend I could ask for. And I'm tired FOR you. Judge shows are really draining!

    For now, let's just get through this shitty semester. Once it's over, we're in the clear for an awesome summer. I just know it. We're going to DO stuff. Make life happen. Stop waiting and all that! We're awesome, and we're going to have an awesome time! :)
