Thursday, June 24, 2010


I meant to do this sooner, and I thought I would put it off since I already posted once today, But if I put it off I will most likely forget to come back to it, and that is the reason we are here now, so think of this as a treat... Two posts in one day. Lucky You!

I've complained in the past about school, and about the nameless putz teacher I can't stand and I thought an update was perfectly necessary. Grades are in for the semester... Drum Roll please...

Well, actually let me back up and start with an introduction to the courses... Sorry to hold you in suspense, But it's better that way, don't you think?

This semester was my last at butte, so I took only the last two required courses, and one extra for fun. History 14, World Civilizations II and Education 2, were required. English 15, Cultural Films and Lit was for fun. The history and English classes are straightforward enough that I hope you understand at least partially what they entail... Education 2 is my preservice requirement, which means I spent a total of 45 hours in an elementary school classroom. and actually, I spent over a hundred hours in the classroom, but 45 were required.

I'd imagine that you are wondering where putz teacher fits in here, I'm not sure if i mentioned this before... He was the history teacher, and the class was torture. Just to punctuate the point, I'm going to tell you a funny story...
I know that I told you that I was graduating, or at least I think I did, anyway, I graduated form Butte College with Two degrees, Liberal Studies and Social and Behavioral health. I know, YAY ME! (LOL). the ceremony was long, and arduous. I hated sitting there... but it served a purpose, so it was worth it, in all of its symbolic glory. There was a point when one student was at the podium, and I can't remember his title, anyway, he was announcing the teacher of the year as chosen by the graduating class (This graduate had never heard of this, I'm not sure which group you have to belong to to vote, but I certainly wasn't invited...) anyway the speaker guy, whoever he was, was announcing the nominees, blah blah, from the such and such department, so and so, from the other department, and (hang on to your seats boys and girls) PUTZ teacher from the History department. (Now, the speaker said his name, but I like putz teacher so much better.)... at this point, my jaw dropped, really, teacher of the year? no way that was possible. I must have been dreaming, I pinched myself, and it hurt, so, I guess it wasn't a dream. I looked around, and saw a mixture of expressions in the crowd of black polyester around me... some were excited by this (gullible idiots), others were shocked, like myself, and still others looked completely emotionless, I imagined that they were robots, who were about to self destruct from false information. Now the speaker is going on, about something, but I was thinking to myself, that there was no way putz teacher could win, while simultaneously hoping that the robots when they self destructed from false information, would do it somewhere far away, so as not to hurt too many people.
... And the Teacher of the Year is, PUTZ TEACHER (cheers, cheers...) WILL PUTZ TEACHER Please come up and accept his award? this is when the crickets started chirping, because in true putz teacher form, he wasn't there. Somehow, all of those people he has bewitched with his bullshit spewing voted, and were the majority. My first thought was, OF COURSE. Of Course he wouldn't be here....

So anyway, that was the funny story, I could go on, but I think that we should instead leave the rest to the imagination of the reader, instead lets take a moment to laugh, **Silent Pause**

Now that that is out of our systems, my grades for this semester are as follows,
English - A
History- C
You may look at the C and think I am upset by that, but considering the teacher was unnamed Putz teacher, I am ecstatic.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the Putz really screwed up when you didn't knock 12 & 14 out at the same time with me. I mean, really really. I can't imagine having to go back to that BS.

    And of course he wasn't there! The man doesn't show up to give his tests or exams or documentaries. Why would he show up to some junior college commencement ceremony? We're just so beneath him.
