Tuesday, September 21, 2010

a brief hello

I caught a moment in between classes today, and realized that I have been a terribly neglectful blogger. So, laptop in hand, I sat down to say a brief hello to the blog world (and to my most loyal reader, possibly my only reader, Patty. hello Patty). Now, I am have an inner dialogue with myself, trying to decide what exactly I have to say that won't take up massive amounts of both text and time. so far the predominant theme is how tired I am. That seems to be the one thing that is always predominant. at least recently. I would like to mention how excited I am. Today i decided to ditch my current area of concentration, and pick up a minor in creative writing. (before you get too excited, I meet with the counselor on thursday, hopefully to make this official.) This means that I am adding 26 units to my course load, and while a sane person may think I'm nuts I defend this choice this way:
I have been in college for a while, and what is a few more classes if they make me happy?
I have previously been an english major twice in my college career, and I traded it all in for a teaching program. I miss my english classes.
I would much prefer to minor in creative writing and spend my time doing something I love as opposed to something I hate.
And finally, I love creative writing.
I am so excited to make this change official. And while I am tired, and in serious need of a long nap, I think of the classes I will have in the future as a part of my new minor, and I get excited all over again. And shouldn't I get to be excited about something? I think so...

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